ALOHA, All Rights Reserved by and Trademarks, Service Marks, Copyrights, goods and services branded lines and their prior art and related art Branded Marks are still shaping the evolving future by reshaping technologies with some inspired old school ways from pioneering, researching, prototyping and manufacturing different custom goods and services grass rooted old school surfing and boarding culture traditions of craftsmanships and workmanships lifestyle across OldSchoolSurfShop and OldSchoolBoardShop Trademarks, Service Marks, Copyrights and their prior art and related art Branded Marks Shaping OLD SCHOOL SURF SHOP tm, and OLD SCHOOL BOARD SHOP tm, branded lines where All Rights Reserved by OldSchoolSurfShop and OldSchoolBoardShop branded lines, OCEAN CORE tm, KAI CORE tm, (Kai Core Hawaiian cultures means Ocean Core) MOANA CORE tm, (Moana Core Hawaiian cultures means Ocean Core) UNCHARTED TIDES tm, MOUNTAIN CORE tm, MAUNA CORE tm, (Mauna Core Hawaiian Cultures means Mountain Core) UNCHARTED POWDER tm, CORE tm, UNCHARTED tm, and also OCEAN SLAVE tm, KAI SLAVE tm, (Kai Slave Hawaiian Cultures means Ocean Slave) MOANA SLAVE tm, (Moana Slave Hawaiian Cultures means Ocean Slave) RULED BY THE SEA tm, MOUNTAIN SLAVE tm, MAUNA SLAVE tm, (Mauna Slave Hawaiian Cultures means Mountain Slave) RULED BY POWDER tm, SLAVE tm, RULED BY AIR tm, NO BOUNDARYS tm, BEAUTY SLAVE tm, NANI SLAVE tm, (Nani Slave Hawaiian cultures means Beauty Slave) SAUNZEE tm, and the one of a kind YOUSURFING tm, YOUBOARDING tm, YOUSPOTLIGHT tm, YOULIMELIGHT tm, WEBCASTYOURSELF tm, Trademarks, Service Marks, Copyrights and their prior art and related art branded marks All Rights Reserved by OldSchoolSurfShop and OldSchoolBoardShop since the old school days. MAHALO